pytest_notebook.ipy_magic module

Module to provide an IPython magic for running pytest.

Load via: %load_ext pytest_notebook.ipy_magic, then %pytest and %%pytest can be accessed.

pytest_notebook.ipy_magic.eval_literals(literals: List[str], local_ns: Optional[dict]) → List[Tuple[str, str]][source]

Evaluate and yield literal items.


Load the ipython magic, when the module is called via %load_ext.

pytest_notebook.ipy_magic.parse_cell_content(cell: Optional[str]) → Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]][source]

Parse the cell contents.


(test_content, config_content, literals_content)

pytest_notebook.ipy_magic.pytest(line: str = '', cell: Optional[str] = None, local_ns: Optional[dict] = None)[source]

Run pytest.

%pytest arg1 arg2 ... will run pytest in a temporary directory.

%%pytest arg1 arg2 ... will additionally write the cell contents to a test module in the temporary directory.

The cell content can optionally contain a fenced sections:

  • ---: lines extracted and written as pytest.ini

  • ***: each line should be able to be evaluated as a tuple of two strings, (file_content, file_name), that will be written to the temporary directory. Any variables in the notebook scope can be used in these expressions.


%%pytest -v

adopts = --disable-warning

(content_string, "")

def test_something():
    assert True

Note: to change output width, se the ‘COLUMNS’ environmental variable:

import os
os.environ["COLUMNS"] = "80"
pytest_notebook.ipy_magic.run_pytest(args: List[str], cwd: Union[str, pathlib.Path, None] = None)[source]

Run pytest, with live output.

Adapted from

Note: originally this used pytest.main to run pytest, however, there was issues with multiple calls to it (see:

pytest_notebook.ipy_magic.write_file(content: List[str], file_name: str, temp_dir: Union[str, pathlib.Path])[source]

Write file to the temp_dir.