
PyPI Conda

To install from PyPi:

>> pip install pytest-notebook

To install from Conda:

>> conda install -c conda-forge pytest-notebook

To install the development version:

>> git clone .
>> cd pytest-notebook
>> pip install -e ".[code_style,testing,docs]"



CI Coverage

It is recommended to use tox to run tests.

>> tox

Coding Style Requirements#

Code style: black

The code style is tested using flake8, with the configuration set in .flake8, and black.

Installing with pytest-notebook[code_style] makes the pre-commit package available, which will ensure these tests are passed by reformatting the code and testing for lint errors before submitting a commit. It can be set up by:

>> pre-commit run --all
>> pre-commit install

Editors like VS Code also have automatic code reformat utilities, which can check and adhere to this standard.



The documentation can be created locally by:

>> tox -e py37-docs-clean
>> tox -e py37-docs-update