Source code for pytest_notebook.ipy_magic

"""Module to provide an IPython magic for running pytest.

Load via: ``%load_ext pytest_notebook.ipy_magic``,
then ``%pytest`` and ``%%pytest`` can be accessed.

# TODO post solution to stackoverflow:
import os
from pathlib import Path
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

EXEC_NAME = "pytest"
CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "pytest.ini"

[docs]def parse_cell_content( cell: Union[str, None] ) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str], List[str]]: """Parse the cell contents. :returns: (test_content, config_content, literals_content) """ test_content = [] config_content = [] literals_content = [] if cell is None: return test_content, config_content, literals_content in_config, in_literals = False, False for i, line in enumerate(cell.splitlines()): if line.startswith("---") and not in_literals: if in_config: in_config = False elif config_content: raise OSError(f"Line {i}: found second config file section") else: in_config = True elif in_config: config_content.append(line) elif line.startswith("***") and not in_config: if in_literals: in_literals = False elif literals_content: raise OSError(f"Line {i}: found second literals section") else: in_literals = True elif in_literals: literals_content.append(line) else: test_content.append(line) if in_config: raise OSError("found start of config section, but not end") if in_literals: raise OSError("found start of literals section, but not end") return test_content, config_content, literals_content
[docs]def eval_literals( literals: List[str], local_ns: Union[dict, None] ) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Evaluate and yield literal items.""" for literal in literals: literal = literal.strip() if not (literal.startswith("(") and literal.endswith(")")): raise ValueError(f"The literal must be a tuple: '{literal}'") try: # Note to get global namespace, would need to use # @magics_class and, # see evaluated = eval(literal, {}, local_ns) except Exception as err: raise ValueError( f"The literal could not be evaluated: '{literal}'; '{err}'" ) from None if ( len(evaluated) != 2 or not isinstance(evaluated[0], str) or not isinstance(evaluated[1], str) ): raise ValueError( f"The literal is not a tuple of two strings: '{evaluated}'" ) if evaluated[1] != os.path.basename(evaluated[1]): raise ValueError( f"'{evaluated[1]}' should be a filename, with no directory component" ) # this is only required, if we allow sub directories # if os.path.isabs(evaluated[1]): # raise ValueError(f"the path {evaluated[1]} is absolute") yield evaluated
[docs]def write_file(content: List[str], file_name: str, temp_dir: Union[str, Path]): """Write file to the ``temp_dir``.""" if content: if isinstance(temp_dir, str): temp_dir = Path(temp_dir) if content[-1].strip(): content.append("") temp_dir.joinpath(file_name).write_text("\n".join(content))
[docs]def run_pytest(args: List[str], cwd: Union[str, Path, None] = None): """Run pytest, with live output. Adapted from Note: originally this used ``pytest.main`` to run pytest, however, there was issues with multiple calls to it (see: """ os.environ["COLUMNS"] = os.environ.get("COLUMNS", "80") process = subprocess.Popen( [EXEC_NAME, *args], cwd=str(cwd) if cwd else None, env=os.environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, ) for c in iter(lambda:, b""): sys.stdout.write(c.decode(sys.stdout.encoding or "utf8", "ignore"))
[docs]def pytest( line: str = "", cell: Union[str, None] = None, local_ns: Union[dict, None] = None ): """Run pytest. ``%pytest arg1 arg2 ...`` will run pytest in a temporary directory. ``%%pytest arg1 arg2 ...`` will additionally write the cell contents to a test module in the temporary directory. The cell content can optionally contain a fenced sections: - ``---``: lines extracted and written as ``pytest.ini`` - ``***``: each line should be able to be evaluated as a tuple of two strings, (file_content, file_name), that will be written to the temporary directory. Any variables in the notebook scope can be used in these expressions. Example:: %%pytest -v --- [pytest] adopts = --disable-warning --- *** (content_string, "") *** def test_something(): assert True Note: to change output width, se the 'COLUMNS' environmental variable:: import os os.environ["COLUMNS"] = "80" """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: temp_dir = Path(temp_dir) args = shlex.split(line) if cell: test_content, config_content, literals_content = parse_cell_content(cell) write_file(test_content, MAIN_FILE_NAME, temp_dir) write_file(config_content, CONFIG_FILE_NAME, temp_dir) for content, file_name in eval_literals(literals_content, local_ns or {}): write_file(content.splitlines(), file_name, temp_dir) run_pytest(args, cwd=str(temp_dir))
[docs]def load_ipython_extension(ipython): """Load the ipython magic, when the module is called via ``%load_ext``.""" from IPython.core.magic import needs_local_scope, register_line_cell_magic register_line_cell_magic(needs_local_scope(pytest))