Source code for pytest_notebook.notebook

"""Module for working with notebook."""
import copy
from functools import lru_cache

    # Python <= 3.8
    from importlib_resources import files
except ImportError:
    from importlib.resources import files

import json
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import attr
from attr.validators import instance_of
import jsonschema
import nbformat
from nbformat import NotebookNode

from pytest_notebook import resources
from pytest_notebook.diffing import join_path, star_path
from pytest_notebook.utils import autodoc


META_KEY = "nbreg"

[docs]def mapping_to_dict( obj: Any, strip_keys: list = (), leaf_func: Union[Callable, None] = None ) -> dict: """Recursively convert mappable objects to dicts, including in lists and tuples. :param list[str] strip_keys: list of keys to strip from the output :param leaf_func: a function to apply to leaf values """ if isinstance(obj, Mapping): return { k: mapping_to_dict(obj[k], strip_keys, leaf_func) for k in sorted(obj.keys()) if k not in strip_keys } elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return [mapping_to_dict(i, strip_keys, leaf_func) for i in obj] elif leaf_func is not None: return leaf_func(obj) else: return obj
[docs]def gather_json_paths( obj: Any, paths: list, types: Union[Tuple, None] = None, curr_path: tuple = () ) -> Any: """Recursively gather paths to non dict/list elements of a json-like object. :param paths: a mutable container for the paths :param types: only return paths for these element types Examples -------- >> dct = {"a": [{"b": 2}, {"c": "x"}]} >> paths = [] >> gather_json_paths(dct, paths) >> paths [('a', 0, 'b'), ('a', 1, 'c')] >> paths = [] >> gather_json_paths(dct, paths, (str,)) >> paths [('a', 1, 'c')] """ if isinstance(obj, dict): for k, v in obj.items(): gather_json_paths( v, paths, types, curr_path=tuple(list(curr_path) + [k]), # noqa: RUF005 ) elif isinstance(obj, list): for i, v in enumerate(obj): gather_json_paths( v, paths, types, curr_path=tuple(list(curr_path) + [i]), # noqa: RUF005 ) elif types is None or isinstance(obj, types): paths.append(curr_path)
[docs]def regex_replace_nb( notebook: NotebookNode, replacements: Tuple[Tuple[str, str, str]] ) -> NotebookNode: """Return a new notebook with string regex replacements applied. :param replacements: list of (path, regex, replacement), path is a string of form '/cells/0/outputs', and can contain * wildcards for integer parts """ nb_paths = [] gather_json_paths(notebook, nb_paths, types=(str,)) new_notebook = copy.deepcopy(notebook) for nb_path in nb_paths: # iteratively star more elements from the right side compare_paths = { join_path(list(nb_path[:i]) + star_path(nb_path[i:])) for i in reversed(range(len(nb_path))) } for path_str, regex, replace in replacements: if not any(p.startswith(path_str) for p in compare_paths): continue nb_element = new_notebook for key in nb_path[:-1]: nb_element = nb_element[key] nb_element[nb_path[-1]] = re.sub(regex, replace, nb_element[nb_path[-1]]) return new_notebook
[docs]class NBConfigValidationError(Exception): """Exception to signal a validation error in the notebook metadata."""
[docs]def validate_regex_replace(args, index): """Validate a single regex replace item. Should be of the form (<nb_path>, <regex_pattern>, <replacement>) """ if not isinstance(args, tuple): raise TypeError(f"diff_replace[{index}] must be a tuple: {args}") if len(args) != 3: raise ValueError( f"diff_replace[{index}] should contain " f"'<nb_address> <regex> <replacement>': {args}" ) if not isinstance(args[0], str): raise TypeError(f"diff_replace[{index}] address '{args[0]}' must a string") if not args[0].startswith("/"): raise ValueError( f"diff_ignore[{index}] address '{args[0]}' must start with '/'" ) if not isinstance(args[1], str): raise TypeError(f"diff_replace[{index}] regex '{args[1]}' must a string") try: re.compile(args[1]) except Exception as err: raise TypeError( f"diff_replace[{index}] '{args[1]}' is not a valid regex: {err}" ) if not isinstance(args[2], str): raise TypeError(f"diff_replace[{index}] replacement '{args[2]}' must a string")
[docs]@lru_cache def _load_validator(): schema = json.loads( files(resources).joinpath("nb_metadata.schema.json").read_text(encoding="utf-8") ) validator_cls = jsonschema.validators.validator_for(schema) return validator_cls(schema=schema)
[docs]def validate_metadata(data, path): """Validate notebook and cell metadata against the required config schema. :raises NBRegressionError: if validation fails """ __tracebackhide__ = True validator = _load_validator() errors = sorted(validator.iter_errors(data), key=lambda e: e.path) if errors: raise NBConfigValidationError( "\n".join( [path] + [ "- {} [key path: '{}']".format( error.message, "/".join([str(p) for p in error.path]) ) for error in errors ] ) )
[docs]@autodoc @attr.s(frozen=True, slots=True) class MetadataConfig: """A class to store configuration data, obtained from the notebook metadata.""" diff_replace: tuple = attr.ib( (), validator=instance_of(tuple), metadata={"help": "Notebook paths to regex replace before diffing."}, )
[docs] @diff_replace.validator def _validate_diff_replace(self, attribute, values): if not isinstance(values, tuple): raise TypeError(f"diff_replace must be a tuple: {values}") for i, args in enumerate(values): validate_regex_replace(args, i)
diff_ignore: set = attr.ib( attr.Factory(set), metadata={"help": "Notebook paths to ignore during diffing."} )
[docs] @diff_ignore.validator def _validate_diff_ignore(self, attribute, values): if not isinstance(values, set): raise TypeError(f"diff_ignore not a set: {values}") if not all(isinstance(v, str) for v in values): raise TypeError(f"diff_ignore items not all strings: {values}")
skip: bool = attr.ib( False, validator=instance_of(bool), metadata={"help": "Skip testing of this notebook."}, ) skip_reason: str = attr.ib( "", validator=instance_of(str), metadata={"help": "Reason for skipping testing of this notebook."}, )
[docs]def config_from_metadata(nb: NotebookNode) -> dict: """Extract configuration data from notebook/cell metadata.""" nb_metadata = nb.get("metadata", {}).get(META_KEY, {}) validate_metadata(nb_metadata, "/metadata") diff_replace = [tuple(d) for d in nb_metadata.get("diff_replace", [])] diff_ignore = set(nb_metadata.get("diff_ignore", [])) for i, cell in enumerate(nb.get("cells", [])): cell_metadata = cell.get("metadata", {}).get(META_KEY, {}) validate_metadata(cell_metadata, f"/cells/{i}/metadata") diff_replace.extend( [ (f"/cells/{i}{p}", x, r) for p, x, r in cell_metadata.get("diff_replace", []) ] ) diff_ignore.update( [f"/cells/{i}{p}" for p in cell_metadata.get("diff_ignore", [])] ) return MetadataConfig( tuple(diff_replace), diff_ignore, nb_metadata.get("skip", False), nb_metadata.get("skip_reason", ""), )
[docs]def load_notebook( path: Union[TextIO, str], as_version=DEFAULT_NB_VERSION ) -> NotebookNode: """Load the notebook from file.""" return, as_version=as_version)
[docs]def load_notebook_with_config( path: Union[TextIO, str], as_version=DEFAULT_NB_VERSION ) -> Tuple[NotebookNode, MetadataConfig]: """Load the notebook from file, and scan its metadata for config data.""" notebook =, as_version=as_version) nb_config = config_from_metadata(notebook) return notebook, nb_config
[docs]def prepare_nb(dct: dict, as_version=DEFAULT_NB_VERSION) -> NotebookNode: """Convert raw (disc-format) notebook to a ``NotebookNode``.""" if as_version != 4: raise NotImplementedError(f"notebook version: {as_version}") return nbformat.v4.to_notebook(dct)
[docs]def prepare_cell(cell: dict, as_version=DEFAULT_NB_VERSION) -> NotebookNode: """Convert raw (disc-format) notebook cell to a ``NotebookNode``.""" if as_version != 4: raise NotImplementedError(f"notebook version: {as_version}") nb = nbformat.v4.to_notebook({"cells": [cell], "metadata": {}}) return nb["cells"][0]
[docs]def create_notebook(as_version: int = DEFAULT_NB_VERSION, **kwargs): """Create a new notebook.""" if as_version == 1: notebook = nbformat.v1.new_notebook(**kwargs) elif as_version == 2: notebook = nbformat.v2.new_notebook(**kwargs) elif as_version == 3: notebook = nbformat.v3.new_notebook(**kwargs) elif as_version == 4: notebook = nbformat.v4.new_notebook(**kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"notebook version: {as_version}") return notebook
[docs]def create_cell( source: str = "", cell_type: str = "code", as_version: int = DEFAULT_NB_VERSION, **kwargs, ) -> NotebookNode: """Create a new notebook cell.""" if not as_version == 4: raise NotImplementedError("cell not version 4") if cell_type == "code": return nbformat.v4.new_code_cell(source=source, **kwargs) if cell_type == "markdown": return nbformat.v4.new_markdown_cell(source=source, **kwargs) if cell_type == "raw": return nbformat.v4.new_raw_cell(source=source, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"cell_type '{cell_type}' not recognised.")
[docs]def dump_notebook(nb: NotebookNode, as_version=nbformat.NO_CONVERT) -> NotebookNode: """Dump the notebook to a string.""" return nbformat.writes(nb, version=as_version)