Source code for pytest_notebook.post_processors

"""Plugins to post process notebooks.

All functions should take (notebook, resources) as input,
and output a (new notebook, resources).
import copy
import functools
import logging
import re
import textwrap
from typing import Tuple

from nbformat import NotebookNode

    # python <= 3.9
    from importlib_metadata import entry_points
except ImportError:
    from importlib.metadata import entry_points

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ENTRY_POINT_NAME = "nbreg.post_proc"

[docs]@functools.lru_cache def list_processor_names(): """List entry point names for post-processors.""" return [ for ep in entry_points().select(group=ENTRY_POINT_NAME)]
[docs]@functools.lru_cache def load_processor(name: str): """Get a post-processors for an entry point name.""" try: (entry_point,) = entry_points().select(group=ENTRY_POINT_NAME, name=name) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"entry point '{name}' for group '{ENTRY_POINT_NAME}' not found" ) return entry_point.load()
[docs]def document_processors(): """Create formatted string of all preprocessor docstrings.""" return "\n\n".join( [ f"{n}:\n{textwrap.indent(load_processor(n).__doc__, ' ').rstrip()}" for n in sorted(list_processor_names()) ] )
[docs]def cell_preprocessor(function): """Wrap a function to be executed on all cells of a notebook. The wrapped function should have these parameters: cell : NotebookNode cell Notebook cell being processed resources : dictionary Additional resources used in the conversion process. index : int Index of the cell being processed """ @functools.wraps(function) def wrappedfunc(nb: NotebookNode, resources: dict) -> (NotebookNode, dict): new_nb = copy.deepcopy(nb) for index, cell in enumerate(new_nb.cells): new_nb.cells[index], resources = function(cell, resources, index) return new_nb, resources return wrappedfunc
RGX_CARRIAGERETURN = re.compile(r".*\r(?=[^\n])") RGX_BACKSPACE = re.compile(r"[^\n]\b")
[docs]@cell_preprocessor def coalesce_streams( cell: NotebookNode, resources: dict, index: int ) -> Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]: """Merge all stream outputs with shared names into single streams. This ensure deterministic outputs. Adapted from: """ if "outputs" not in cell: return cell, resources new_outputs = [] streams = {} for output in cell.outputs: if output.output_type == "stream": if in streams: streams[].text += output.text else: new_outputs.append(output) streams[] = output else: new_outputs.append(output) # process \r and \b characters for output in streams.values(): old = output.text while len(output.text) < len(old): old = output.text # Cancel out anything-but-newline followed by backspace output.text = RGX_BACKSPACE.sub("", output.text) # Replace all carriage returns not followed by newline output.text = RGX_CARRIAGERETURN.sub("", output.text) # We also want to ensure stdout and stderr are always in the same consecutive order, # because they are asynchronous, so order isn't guaranteed. for i, output in enumerate(new_outputs): if output.output_type == "stream" and == "stderr": # noqa: SIM102 if ( len(new_outputs) >= i + 2 and new_outputs[i + 1].output_type == "stream" and new_outputs[i + 1].name == "stdout" ): stdout = new_outputs.pop(i + 1) new_outputs.insert(i, stdout) cell.outputs = new_outputs return cell, resources
[docs]@cell_preprocessor def blacken_code( cell: NotebookNode, resources: dict, index: int ) -> Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]: """Format python source code with black (see""" try: import black except ImportError: raise ImportError("black not installed: see") if cell.get("cell_type", None) != "code": return cell, resources # TODO use metadata to set target versions and whether to raise on exceptions # i.e. black.FileMode(target_versions, {black.TargetVersion.PY36}) try: cell.source = black.format_str(cell.source, mode=black.FileMode()) except (SyntaxError, black.InvalidInput): logger.debug(f"cell {index} could not be formatted by black.") # code cells don't require a trailing new line cell.source = cell.source.rstrip() return cell, resources
[docs]@cell_preprocessor def beautifulsoup( cell: NotebookNode, resources: dict, index: int ) -> Tuple[NotebookNode, dict]: """Format text/html and image/svg+xml outputs with beautiful-soup. See: """ try: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: raise ImportError( "bs4 not installed: see" ) if cell.get("cell_type", None) != "code": return cell, resources if "outputs" not in cell: return cell, resources for i, output in enumerate(cell.outputs): if output.output_type not in ["execute_result", "display_data"]: continue for mimetype, _value in output.get("data", {}).items(): if mimetype not in ["text/html", "image/svg+xml"]: continue path = f"/cells/{index}/outputs/{i}/{mimetype}" # TODO use metadata to set builder and whether to raise on exceptions try: output["data"][mimetype] = BeautifulSoup( output["data"][mimetype], "html.parser" ).prettify() # record which paths have been formatted (mainly for testing) resources.setdefault("beautifulsoup", []).append(path) except Exception: # TODO what exceptions might be raised? logger.debug(f"{path} could not be formatted by beautiful-soup.") return cell, resources